Welcome to our Senior Unit Blog. Here we like to keep you up to date with what is happening in the Senior Unit.
If you would like to contact us feel free to email any of us.
benj@ilsg.sa.edu.au, aliceb@ilsg.sa.edu.au , jareds@ilsg.sa.edu.au

Sunday 15 November 2015

Week 6

Well week 6 is here and things are still moving along at a quick pace.
Before we look at the week ahead lets look back at what happened last week.

On Monday we have some of the Year 7's start transition visits. This group went Faith to have a look and hear about what they will be in for next year. From all reports it was a great day for all involved

A group of 17 Senior Unit students went to Adelaide to play in the T20 Blast Cricket cup. We had 2 teams competing (1 girls and 1 boys team) The students played well and while they didn't win the competition they accounted for themselves well and I am sure they will be back in 2016 to have another go.

A small group went to Xavier transition on Thursday. The students who went had a great time and it provided them with a chance to met teachers, previous Immanuel students and ask questions as they prepare for High School.

A another group of students went to Xavier for a transition visit and Senior Unit students also competed in the Faith Challenge day held at Faith. This athletics event is for Lutheran schools in the district. The students who participated in this event did an excellent job and showed great sportsmanship and a competitive spirit. Through great work the team came first on the day making back to back wins for the school. Well done to all those involved.

Now onto this week.
This week is a pretty normal week for the Senior Unit. On Monday the Stained Glass Window assignment is due but the rest is a regular school week. There are a few things still to think about.

Year 6's have the opportunity to apply to be a member of the student leadership team for 2016. The applications are due on Friday and we encourage you to apply. Check the criteria below.

Year 7's
We are still looking for 4 photos from everyone. It has been great to get so many in so far but we would to have them all by the end of week 7. Keep them coming.

That's all for now.

Monday 2 November 2015

UOI Assignment

Sorry Seniors

Here is the details of the latest assignment.
I have heard great things so far about the artefacts people are making

Unit Of Inquiry – How We Express Ourselves.

Reproduce an Aboriginal Artefact

Create a reproduction of an Aboriginal artefact and complete an information page/s on your artefact.

1)    Uses of the artefact by the culture. (Function)

-         Key questions/Key concepts to guide your information.

2)    How was the artefact created (Form)

-         Tool/s used to make the artefact

-         Reasons for the way it was made this way.

3)    How does the artefact reflect beliefs and traditions of the culture? (Connection)

Due Date: Wednesday Week 4 Term 4

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Exhibition Snap Shots

Here are some snaps of the Exhibition by the Year 7's

Space Exhibit

Military Exhibit

Architecture Exhibit

Hospital Exhibit

Animal Exhibit

Music Exhibit

Mental Health Exhibit

Mental Health Exhibit

Technology Exhibit

AFL Exhibit

FIFA Exhibit

Sunday 25 October 2015

Term 4

This term has started off at a crazy pace with lots of activity going on in the Senior Unit. With that being said the blog has taken a bit of a back seat but now it is time to get back into it.

Here we are at the start of Week 3. With only 7 more weeks left in the year there is still plenty to keep us busy. This week is no exception. Before we delve into this week lets reflect on the previous 2.
Exhibition was a great success for the Year 7's. Over the last 2 weeks they have completed their research and created an exhibit to show what they had found out. It was an excellent way to show their learning and skills they have developed over their time at school. On Wednesday we had the Exhibition night which provide the Year 7's an opportunity to share their knowledge and hard work with family and friends.
It has been a wonderful experience and has shown of the talent of the Year 7's.
Not to be out done, the Year 6's have had a big focus on government and have been looking at change and conflict and how it impacts on laws. They have looked at different events from history and how these have influenced this change.
Saturday saw the Senior students participate in the School Fair. Well done to all involved and the creativeness of the trash band.
This week will see things returning to some sort of normalcy. Home classes will be working together again and we will be starting our last Unit of Inquiry for the year. This unit begins on Tuesday with our excursion to the Museum and St Peter's Cathedral. It will be a great journey and chance to explore items of cultural significance.
More to be revealed as the week progresses.

Sunday 13 September 2015

The Week Ahead

Things keep moving along and this week is no exception. Here is a run down of the week ahead.

Unit of Inquiry
This week we continue our new units of inquiry. The Year 6's are looking at government and how they works.
The Central Idea is:
The Lines of Inquiry are:
On Thursday the Year 6's will have a chance to visit parliament house to explore more about government. This is an all day excursion and we ask that you follow the guidelines on the note provided last week.

While the Year 6's are away, the Year 7's will be continuing to work on their exhibition. This week they will be finishing creating their Central Idea and Lines of Inquiry. From here the exhibition really begins.

Friday is the Blast Cricket. This is taking a different format this year but it is expected a number of students will be participating in this activity. More information will come to hand this week. Stay tuned.

Friday is also Subway lunch.

Have a good week and watch out for more information.

Concert Reviews

Concert has come and gone for another year and some of the Senior Unit have had a chance to reflect on the experience. Here is what they have to say

Concert Review 2015


Tuesday 8 September 2015

School Photo Day

Just in case you missed it, school photos are this Thursday. A note went home tonight about what to wear and about payment of photos. It should be pretty quick and painless process that will produce great pics.