Welcome to our Senior Unit Blog. Here we like to keep you up to date with what is happening in the Senior Unit.
If you would like to contact us feel free to email any of us.
benj@ilsg.sa.edu.au, aliceb@ilsg.sa.edu.au , jareds@ilsg.sa.edu.au

Sunday 13 September 2015

The Week Ahead

Things keep moving along and this week is no exception. Here is a run down of the week ahead.

Unit of Inquiry
This week we continue our new units of inquiry. The Year 6's are looking at government and how they works.
The Central Idea is:
The Lines of Inquiry are:
On Thursday the Year 6's will have a chance to visit parliament house to explore more about government. This is an all day excursion and we ask that you follow the guidelines on the note provided last week.

While the Year 6's are away, the Year 7's will be continuing to work on their exhibition. This week they will be finishing creating their Central Idea and Lines of Inquiry. From here the exhibition really begins.

Friday is the Blast Cricket. This is taking a different format this year but it is expected a number of students will be participating in this activity. More information will come to hand this week. Stay tuned.

Friday is also Subway lunch.

Have a good week and watch out for more information.

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