Welcome to our Senior Unit Blog. Here we like to keep you up to date with what is happening in the Senior Unit.
If you would like to contact us feel free to email any of us.
benj@ilsg.sa.edu.au, aliceb@ilsg.sa.edu.au , jareds@ilsg.sa.edu.au

Sunday, 8 February 2015

The Week Ahead.... Week 3

It will be another busy week in the Senior Unit this week as we continue to improve our understanding of the world around us.

Monday rotations kick in for the second week. Remember to be organised and have books and pencils cases. Also remember where you need to be lined up for each session. We hope to continue the great work started last week.

Unit Of Inquiry
For Unit of Inquiry this week we will be having our Human Body Presentations. We have provided time last week to start research on the topic and you will have another hour of class time on Tuesday to research and work out your presentation.
For your presentation you have 3 minutes to tell the class about the body system you researched into.
Things to remember about your presentation.
Information to include was discussed during our last session and you have notes about it in your UOI books but here are a few things to remember:
- tell about what system you are doing
- What does it do?
- What are the parts of the system?
- Effects of the systems?
There are other things you can include too but you will need to make some decisions about what is important.
Presentation is important and a few things to think about here are:
Stance - Are you facing the people you are talking to?
Eye contact - Are you engaging you audience by looking at them?
Talking - Are you talking to the audience or just reading you notes?
Digital - How are you using this as part of your presentation if you want?
We look forward to seeing your presentations this week.

Year 7's parliament positions will be announced this week. We thankyou for the people that applied for roles and we hope to accommodate all students with a role that they can lead in. On Wednesday of Week 4 the Student Parliament of 2015 will be presented to the school.

* It will be "Hot Weather Play" for some days this week more than likely so be prepared.
* ICT agreements need to be in asap so you can start using technology in the classroom.
* Uniform reminder to be the correct one for each day of the week
* Mathletics has begun and you need to work on getting 1000 points each week.

That's all for now. Check back for updates through the week

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