Welcome to our Senior Unit Blog. Here we like to keep you up to date with what is happening in the Senior Unit.
If you would like to contact us feel free to email any of us.
benj@ilsg.sa.edu.au, aliceb@ilsg.sa.edu.au , jareds@ilsg.sa.edu.au

Monday 11 May 2015

Week 3.... can you believe it!

Welcome to Week 3 everyone. It has been a busy start to the term and things have gotten away from the blog over the last weeks but we are back.

Here is the update and information for the coming week and maybe beyond.

This week sees the NAPLAN testing for the Year 7's. It is a good chance to test the skills they have learnt. We know that the NAPLAN tests aren't a whole measure of what the Year 7's can do but it does help to identify areas of strength and also areas to work on.
The testing regime is like this:
Tuesday - Language Convention and Writing
Wednesday - Reading
Thursday - Numeracy Calculator and Non Calculator
We wish all the best to all the Year 7's this week.

Senior Unit Camp
Week 4 sees us heading off for camp. Information went home tonight about what to take and other information. Make sure  you a read and starting to get yourself organised. We are really looking forward to the camp and the chance to experience this adventure together.
If you want to check out the camp site try doing it here Wirraway
Also have something to say about camp check the new wall here Senior Unit Camp Wall
The packing list will be posted soon in case you lose it.

UOI this week sees both the Year 7's and Year 6's working on final tasks for this current unit. The year 6's and 7's have helped to design their final tasks with direction and we look forward to seeing the work they produce.

Wednesday we will again be having Buddies in the afternoon. It is always a great time with the 2/3's.

Senior Unit Wall has been reset as has other things. Good Luck and have a great week!

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