Welcome to our Senior Unit Blog. Here we like to keep you up to date with what is happening in the Senior Unit.
If you would like to contact us feel free to email any of us.
benj@ilsg.sa.edu.au, aliceb@ilsg.sa.edu.au , jareds@ilsg.sa.edu.au

Tuesday 9 June 2015

We're Back!

Where does the time go? A question that is asked a lot with no real answer, but we are back after a brief absence. Time to catch up on the news and happenings in the Senior Unit.

Firstly lets go back to week 4. This is the week of camp and a great time was had by all who attended. It is always interesting to think about the growing experience camp is and the things we learn from the time away. Here are some thoughts about camp:

Georgia - My favourite parts about camp were:
·         The staff they were really fun and they were very and easy to talk to, they made me laugh.
·         The food was good too. Especially the potatoes that we had for lunch.
·         I really enjoyed the trampolines. Especially when we got long turns because no one was lining up.

Kira - I really enjoyed this camp. We had lots of different activities to do and it was a great bonding experience for friendships. The owners and workers are a bunch of great people and were very accommodating. They made us feel at home and did their best to keep us laughing and entertained. The food was delicious, the beds were comfy and the activities were fun. I found this camp extremely enjoyable.

Saxon - I really enjoyed this camp because we had lots of fun enjoyable activates it brought people and get to know people a bit more and the food was delicious let’s just say it was the best all up I thought it was a great experience and great fun.

Lockie D - I thought the camp was awesome and the staff, food and activities where so cool. I wish I could stay back and go

Lawrence G - I thought everything about the camp was great. From the activities to the staff, everything was good. Keep it up guys.

Lachlan C - My opinion is that your food was spectacular and the staff were nice and supportive and I learnt lots about horses. Camp was a 10/10.

Eden S – Wow, what a great camp! I learnt so much about horses, keeping safe out in the bush and how to shoot an arrow properly. The staff were AMAZING! Humorous and helpful, friendly and fun, and full of surprises! I’m coming back in the holidays.

Ella R - This was the ultimate camp! The activities were well organised and really well planned. The horse riding was new and exciting to the people who haven’t ridden before and at all times I felt safe. The food was spectacular (thanks cooks) the deserts were the best and the tacos were epic.

Here are some artistic camp shots


 Keep checking back for more.

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