Welcome to our Senior Unit Blog. Here we like to keep you up to date with what is happening in the Senior Unit.
If you would like to contact us feel free to email any of us.
benj@ilsg.sa.edu.au, aliceb@ilsg.sa.edu.au , jareds@ilsg.sa.edu.au

Thursday 16 July 2015

Set Sail for Term 3

Welcome back to Term 3. It will be an exciting term with many different events happening. This term will be a busy one as we start a new Unit of Inquiry and new topics in Maths and Literacy.
Here are a few of the highlights from the coming semester.
- Unit of Inquiry: Year 7's will be with Miss Butter and Mr Jones, Year 6's will be with Mr Semmler. Our topic is "How the World Works"
- Maths: A lot of our focus will be on fractions and decimals as well as continuing to improve our numeracy skills
- Literacy:  For writing we will be focussing on Discussions for the first part of the term. We will also be investigating picture books. Premiers Reading Challenge is due this term and teachers will support you in completing it. Continuing to read is important!!
- Concert: Will be in Week 7 and more information will come out about this in the first 2 weeks.
- Cosmic Cluster Camp: For selected Year 7 students.
- School Photos are at the end of term.
It will be a busy time for everyone.
Year 7's
During the holidays the Year 7 tops have been printed. Your class teachers have the tops and will be able to give them out to you on Monday. Wear a casual top to school and when you get your top you can get changed into them. Here is a sneak peek at the top.
Thought it looks good!

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